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Romanticism And Information Technology
Romanticism On The Net   Suggest a Link
Special Issue On &Quot;The Canon And The Web&Quot; (May 1998) (Guest Editors: Laura Mandell And Michael Gamer)
Elizabeth Fay (U. Massachusetts, Boston), "The Bluestocking Archive: Constructivism and Salon Theory Revisited" (1998) 
Neil Fraistat, Steven Jones, and Carl Stahmer (Romantic Circles Site), "The Canon, The Web, and the Digitization of Romanticism" (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)
Chris Koenig-Woodyard (Oxford U.), "A Hypertext History of the Transmission of Coleridge's 'Christabel,' 1800-1816" (1998) 
Douglass H. Thomson (Georgia Southern U.), "The Work of Art in the Age of Electronic (Re)Production" (1998) (Romanticism on the Net)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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