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 •  Modern (Through Pop)
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 •  Modern and Contemporary Art by Artists and/or Movements
Art (Modern and Contemporary)
Modern and Contemporary Art by Artists and/or Movements   Suggest a Link
Modern (Through Pop)
Abstract Expressionism
ArtLex Abstract Expressionism (introduction with very extensive examples of Abstract Expressionist images and artists) (Michael Delahunt)
Web Museum, Paris Abstract Expressionism (introduction) (Nicolas Pioch)
Artcyclopedia Abstract Expressionism (introduction includes an extensive list of Abstract Expressionist artists and images) (John Maylon)
Art Deco
ArtLex Art Deco (introduction with extensive examples of artists and images) (Michael Delahunt)
Art Deco Websites (links to online resources for Art Deco including art and architecture, furniture, collections and more) (Art Deco Society of Washington)
Max Beckmann
Artchive Max Beckmann (introduction and images, includes list of Beckmann images online) (Mark Harden)
Max Beckmann (exhibition information includes introduction, chronology, downloadable teachers' pack, and other textual resource information) (Tate Modern)
Artcyclopedia Max Beckmann (listing of online resources for Beckmann including image archives, articles, websites and more) (John Maylon)
Georges Braque
Artchive Georges Braque (introduction and images) (Mark Harden)
Georges Braque (biography, recommended reading and highlights from the museum's collection) (Guggenheim Museum)
Web Museum, Paris Georges Braque (Nicolas Pioch)
Marc Chagall
Artchive Marc Chagall (introduction and images, includes list of Chagall images on the web) (Mark Harden)
Constructivism and Suprematism (thorough introduction to these movements in Modern art) (Dave Smith)
ArtLex Cubism (introduction to Cubism with extensive examples of Cubist works) (Michael Delahunt)
Cubism (Gallery Asada's introduction to Cubism, with examples of Cubist artists from Europe and Asia) (in English and Japanese)
391 (online Dada magazine archives from 1912-2004, includes images and articles)
Dada (introduction to Dadaism includes history and images)
ArtLex Dada (introduction to Dada with many examples of Dadaist art) (Michael Delahunt)
DaDa Online (explanation of Dadaism with links to images, poetry, etc.) (John Buell)
International Dada Archive (U. Iowa Libraries)
Salvador Dalí
Aaron Ross, "The Art of Salvador Dalí: From the Grotesque to the Sublime" 
Salvador Dalí (WebCoast)
De Stijl and Neo Plasticism
ArtLex De Stijl (introduction with extensive image examples)(Michael Delahunt)
Marcel Duchamp
General Resources on Marcel Duchamp
Deconstructing Duchamp ("project transposing the 'Large Glass' into a global web of 25 interlinked web-sites, possibly a new interpretation in itself, certainly an explicit display of Duchamp's associated thoughts and ideas . . .") (Dew Harrison)
Encounter with Marcel Duchamp (links and info on Duchamp; includes multimedia) (Tim Kummerow)
Marcel Duchamp (American Museum of Beat Art)
"Apropos of 'Readymades'" (Duchamp's statement about his Readymades, written 1961) (DaDa Online)
Bride (1912) (L. James Grattan & Associates)
Chocolate Grinder No. 2 (1914) (L. James Grattan & Associates)
The Large Glass (rich page of images and info on the Duchamp work) (Tony Smith)
The Large Glass (The Bride Stripped Bare By Her Bachelors, Even) (L. James Grattan & Associates)
Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (1912) (Mark Harden's texas.net Museum of Art)
To be looked at (from the Other Side of the Glass) with One Eye, Close to, for Almost an Hour (1918) (The Museum of Modern Art, New York)
Web Museum, Paris Expressionism (introduction) (Nicolas Pioch)
ArtLex Expressionism (introduction with extensive examples of artists and images) (Michael Delahunt)
Web Museum, Paris Fauvism (introduction to Fauvism with references to artists and other Modern Art movements) (Nicolas Pioch)
ArtLex Fauvism (introduction with extensive examples of Fauvist artists and images) (Michael Delahunt)
The Fauves Page (introduction includes images and artist links) (Stephen Sander)
Lucian Freud
Artchive Lucian Freud (introduction and images) (Mark Harden)
Artcyclopedia Lucian Freud (listing of online resources for Freud including image archives, articles, websites and more) (John Maylon)
Web Museum, Paris Lucian Freud (introduction and images) (Nicolas Pioch)
BBC Audio Interviews: Lucian Freud (audio interviews and additional information on Freud) (BBC Four)
Web Museum, Paris (brief introduction to Futurism) (Nicolas Pioch)
Futurism (links to Futurist manifestos on painting, architecture and sculpture, plus links to other online resources for Futurism) (Kim Scarborough)
Futurism and the Futurists (extensive introduction to Futurism includes history, images, manifestos, exhibition information, etc.) (Bob Oshorn)
ArtLex Futurism (introduction with image examples) (Michael Delahunt)
Alberto Giacometti
Artchive Alberto Giacometti (introduction and images) (Mark Harden)
MoMA Alberto Giacometti (extensive information on the Giacometti exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art)
Juan Gris
Web Museum, Paris Juan Gris (introduction and images) (Nicolas Pioch)
Juan Gris (biography and images) (Spanish Arts.com)
Artchive Juan Gris (introduction and extensive images) (Mark Harden)
Artcyclopedia Juan Gris (links to online resources for Gris including articles and image archives) (John Maylon)
Juan Gris (biography and images) (Tate Online)
George Grosz
Artchive George Grosz (introduction and images) (Mark Harden)
Olga's Gallery George Grosz (biography and extensive images)
Artcyclopedia George Grosz (listing of online resources for Grosz including image archives, articles, websites and more) (John Maylon)
George Grosz (biography and images from the international Dada archive) (University of Iowa)
Jasper Johns
MoMA Jasper Johns: A Retrospective (information from the exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art includes chronology, bibliography, selected works and publications)
Wassily Kadinsky
Mark Harden, Kandinsky: Compositions (review of Los Angeles County Art Museum exhibit, 1995; with images) (Glyphs)
Kandinsky Image Archive (U Michigan Archi-Gopher)
Wassily Kandinsky (thumbnails & large images) (Carol Gerten-Jackson)
Frida Kahlo
Museo Casa de Frida Kahlo (includes biography and bibliography for Kahlo) (in Spanish)
Paul Klee
Web Museum, Paris Paul Klee (introduction to Klee's life and work) (Nicolas Pioch)
CGFA Paul Klee (biography and images) (Carol Gerten-Jackson)
Oskar Kokoschka
Oskar Kokoschka (biography, recommended readings and highlights from the museum's collection) (Guggenheim Museum)
Artchive Oskar Kokoschka (introduction and images, includes recommended reading and list of Kokoschka images online) (Mark Harden)
Oskar Kokoschka (biography and images from the museum's collection) (Tate Online)
Willem de Kooning
Artchive Willem de Kooning (extensive introduction to de Kooning's life and work) (Mark Harden)
Fernand Léger
Artcyclopedia Fernand Léger (links to online resources for Léger including image archives, articles, websites and more) (John Maylon)
Roy Lichtenstein
Artchive Roy Lichtenstein (introduction and images) (Mark Harden)
Kazimir Malevich
The Malevich Society (homepage of the society dedicated to "advancing knowledge about Kazimir Malevich and his work) (in English and Russian)
Kazimir Malevich (biography, recommended readings and highlights from the museum's collection) (Guggenheim Museum)
Web Museum, Paris Kasimir Malevich (introduction and images) (Nicolas Pioch)
Henri Matisse
WebMuseum, Paris Henri Matisse (introduction and images) (Nicolas Pioch)
Olga's Gallery Henri Matisse (biography and extensive images)
The Life and Times of Henri Matisse (biography and image gallery) (Art School Online Network)
ArtLex Minimalism (introduction with extensive examples of Minimalist artists and images) (Michael Delahunt)
Joan Miró
Artchive Joan Miró (introduction and images) (Mark Harden)
Olga's Gallery Joan Miró (biography and extensive image listing)
Fundació Miró/The Miro Foundation (extensive information on Miró's life and work, includes image links, news and exhibition information) (in English, Spanish and Catalan)
CGFA Miró (includes biography and images) (Carol Gerten-Jackson)
Edvard Munch
Artchive Edvard Munch (introduction and images includes list of Munch images online) (Mark Harden)
Artcyclopedia Edvard Munch (listing of online resources for Munch including image archives, articles, websites and more) (John Maylon)
Edvard Munch: The Dance of Life (extensive site includes images, online resources, biography, etc.) (Roman Jaster)
ODIN Edvard Munch (extensive introduction to Munch's life and work) (Dr. Frank Høifødt)
CGFA Edvard Munch (biography and images) (Carol Gerten-Jackson)
The Theft of The Scream
BBC Scream Stolen from Norway Museum (article documents how the painting was stolen) (BBC News, World Edition)
CNN Norway Hunts for Stolen Scream (article documents search for the stolen painting) (CNN.com)
USA Today Munch Art Theft Stirs Debate on Museum Security (article includes link to list of stolen masterpieces) (USA Today.com)
ArtNewsOnline Why Wasn't The Scream Insured? (editorial by Eileen Kinsella, Art News Online)
Pablo Picasso
The Online Picasso Project (Excellent online resource for Picasso includes extensive images, archives, bibliography, etc.) (Dr. Enrique Mallen)
Pablo Picasso: The Official Website (extensive information on Picasso's life and work) (in English, French and Spanish)
Artchive Pablo Picasso (extensive introduction to Picasso's life and work) (Mark Harden)
Pablo Picasso (extensive images and biography) (SpanishArts.com)
Jackson Pollock
Jackson Pollock (introduction to Pollock's life and work) (National Gallery of Art, Washington)
Jackson Pollock (biography, recommended reading and highlights from the museum's collection) (Guggenheim Museum)
Web Museum, Paris Jackson Pollock (introduction and images) (Nicolas Pioch)
Pop Art
Index of Pop Artists (alphabetical index of Pop artists includes biographies and images) (www.popart)
ArtLex Pop Art (introduction with extensive examples of Pop artists, including images) (Michael Delahunt)
Robert Rauschenberg
Artchive Robert Rauschenberg (introduction and images, also includes a list of Rauschenberg images online) (Mark Harden)
Diego Rivera
Diego Rivera: A Man and his Murals (introduction to Rivera's life and work, includes special resources for teaching) (Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute)
The Diego Rivera Mural Project (the project website offers many resources for learning about Rivera's life and work, including access to the Diego Rivera Archive) (in English and Spanish, City College of San Francisco)
Secretaría de Educación Pública Los Murales de Diego Rivera/The Murals of Diego Rivera (virtual tour offers an in depth exploration of the murals that Rivera painted for the SEP) (in Spanish)
Artcyclopedia Diego Rivera (links to online sources of information on Rivera's life and work including articles and image archives) (John Maylon)
PBS Diego Rivera (an introduction to Rivera's life and work) (PBS, American Masters)
Diego Rivera at the DIA (photo archive of Rivera and his work at the DIA and the Ford Motor Company River Rouge Plant) (Detroit Institute of Arts)
Artchive Diego Rivera (introduction and images) (Mark Harden)
The Virtual Diego Rivera Web Museum (virtual museum document's Rivera's life and work, includes extensive image gallery, downloadable film clips, links to online resources and more) (Javier Rivera)
Mark Rothko
Mark Rothko (introduction to Rothko's life and work) (National Gallery of Art, Washington)
Mark Rothko (images and articles about Rothko's work) (Artcyclopedia)
Suprematism (introduction) (Alexander Boguslawski)
Constructivism and Suprematism (thorough introduction to these movements in Modern art) (Dave Smith)
The Department of Objects and Delusions (information on Surrealist art includes extensive information on individual artists and links to other online resources about Surrealism)
André Breton, "What is Surrealism?" 
Female Surrealist Artists (biographies and image links)
Andy Warhol
Andy Warhol Museum 
The Warhol '95 Project (Doug DeJulio)
@149st New York City Graffiti ("history of New York City's subway graffiti movement"; includes "photographs of detailed murals, artist profiles and a glossary of terms") (Eric Felisbret and Spar One)
@art (electronic art gallery affiliated with the School of Art and Design, the U. Urbana-Champaign)
AAA Gallery (Dutch virtual gallery)
Academia de Arte Yepes (LA-area fine arts murals academy) (Andres Rosillo)
AICAP: American Indian Computer Art Project 
Alberto Milano (online paintng exhibit; in Italian and English)
Laurie Anderson
Homepage of the Bave: Laurie Anderson (Jimmy Davies)
Laurie Anderson Links (Womynlynks)
Laurie Anderson Page (Peter Hartman)
Andy Goldsworthy (Center for Global Envronmental Education)
Ars Astronautica ("dedicated to developing a cultural dimension to humanity's space endeavors by exploring, reporting and nurturing the arts in and about space") (Arthur Woods / Leonardo)
Art (Introduction to the work of Joan Desmond, includes online archive) (Joan Desmond)
Art Crimes (graffiti) *
Art Galleries on the Web: A Hypertextual Analysis (Margaret L. McLaughlin, USC) (essay analyzing on-line art galleries)
Art Gallery (metapage of art gallery and other art-related sites) (Luc Girardin, Institut Universitaire de Haute Etudes Internationales, Geneva)
ArtMap: The Multimedia Cultural Information Service *
The ArtMetal Project (metalwork art) (Enrique Vega)
Art Net 
ArtNet Italia (contemporary Italian painting, photography, sculpture)
The Art of Haiti (commercial gallery; site includes links and info on Haiti) (MediaArt)
The Art of Tibetan Sand Painting (sand painting event on the Web by Tibetan monks) (Houston Chronicle Interactive)
Arts and Crafts Movement in America 
The Arts & Crafts Society ("an online community dedicated to the philosophy and spirit of the Arts & Crafts Movement")
ArtScape (Ides Communications Group)
Art Scene China ("portfolios of modern and avant-garde artwork by more than 20 leading contemporary artists from China")
Art Watchers (in German and English) (Reiner Strasser)
AssemblyLanguage - Tokyo Avant-Garde Culture and Japanese Contemporary Art ("news, images, texts, and reviews concerning avant-garde culture and contemporary art from Tokyo, Japan")
AtelierAranita (introduction to the art of Aranita, includes online gallery of selected works)
Benbow Bullock, Sculptor (introduction to the work of contemporary sculptor Bullock, includes an extensive list of links to sculpture parks and gardens worldwide)
Ben Stahl: Virtual Museum Of The Cross (David Stahl)
Charles Bernstein (State U. of New York, Buffalo), "I Don't Take Voice Mail" 
Bibliotheque Bajazzo Amsterdam: Online Experimental Art (requires Netscape 2.0; very sophisticated use of frames and client-pull animation)
Bill Murphy: Contemporary Paintings 
the blue dot (Razorfish, Inc.)
Bodies, INCorporated (sophisticated multimedia, interactive environment in which users construct virtual bodies and "incorporate" as part of an exploration of the interface between art and corporate zones) (Victoria Vesna et al., U. California, Santa Barbara)
The Body Missing Project ("an inquiry begun in Toronto and Linz, 1994, into the Kunstraub [art theft] policies of the Third Reich, the proposed Führermuseum, and the fate of artworks missing after World War II") (Vera Frenkel)
Boogles's Collection of Random Art (Brian K. Zuzga)
Betty Brown, "A Repast of Feminism Reviewed at Sexual Politics Show" (review of the UCLA show featuring Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party; includes images) (ArtScene)
Buddery (Brendan deVallance & Nancy Martell)
BURN!: Toge Sankichi (Hiroshima Artworks by Iri and Toshi Maruki) 
CAGE: Cyber Art Gallery Eindhoven (contemporary Dutch art) (Rolf van Gelder)
Carol Sutton (requires graphical browser)
ChasSK Site (Chaslav S. Krstich) 
The Art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude Site (Jok Church, Adam Ciesielski, and Von Wall)
Christo & Jeanne-Claude Home Page (gateway to pages covering Christo's projects)
Christo & Jeane-Claude
Homepage (Stanford)
Christo's Umbrellas Project 
Christo's Running Fence Project 
Christo's Reichstag Project (photos and coverage of the wrapping of the Reichstag, beginning June 17, 1995)
Kulturbox (official page of the Christo "Wrapped Reichstag" project)
Chrysalises: Writing of a Butterfly (allegorical hypertext essay on the "ecology of communications") (Oliver Hockenhull)
Commuter's THEater (School of Architecture, U Texas Austin)
Considering the End
Homepage (very sophisticated virtual art gallery for the U. California, Santa Barbara conference,
Exit and Entrances (Western and Shamanic Constructions of Death) (Jim Tipton)
Find-A-Grave (A Listing of the Final Resting Places of Noteworthy People) (Jim Tipton)
Internet Crime Archives: Digital Home of the Mass-Murdering Serial Killer 
No Memory (Lisa Bloomfield)
Terminal Links (death-related sites on the net)
Transitive Space (Mark Benthin & Yan Breuleux)
Contemporary Art Site (Tractor, Inc.)
DADA Productions Inc. 
Dale Chihuly Web Site (overview of the artist's glass work with "approximately 2500 pages mostly of photograghs and some videos") (Chihuly.com)
The Dark Pool (Web view of installation project; requires a graphical browser to such an extent that even the text of the page's HTML title is invisible [two spaces]) (Janet Cardiff, George Bures Miller)
Constance DeJong, Tony Oursler, Stephen Vitiello, Fantastic Prayers (multimedia text, image, music web installation) (Dia Center for the Arts, NY City)
Belinda de Leo (U California, San Diego), Ancestry: Religion, Death and Culture (personal image exploration of Appalachian culture)
Dia Center for the Arts, NY City (excellent page with images and bibliographies of contemporary artists; also resources relevant to poets, dancers, and others affiliated with the Dia Center)
Diversive Paths (collaborative project exploring "the concept of nonlinear image development and manipulation of existing images") (Bonnie Mitchell or Neil Herzinger)
Doctor Hugo: Museums of the Mind ("virtual museum project about the future of the sense; resources on paintings, net.art, synaesthesia and fuzzy dreamz; research, theory and experiments on telematics of the mind") (Doctor Hugo)
Johanna Drucker (Columbia U.)
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U. Virginia), Lines for a Virtual Ty/opography (in-progress hypertext and VRML dissertation being written "real-time" on the net; concerns the work of textuality theorist/artist Johanna Drucker)
"Offset Printing as a Creative Medium" 
Eduardo Kac: A Retrospective Exhibition ("documentation of performances, mixed media work, holopoetry, telecommunications events, computer imaging, interactive installations, telepresence art, essays and articles, as well as actual digital pieces available for downloading")
The Electric Gallery
The Amazon Project 
Haitian Art Wing 
The Jazz and Blues Wing (music-related pictures)
Electric Olive Gallery (Ken Fair)
Electronic Visualization Lab 
Dinae Fenster, Ritual of Abandonment: An Ephemeral Archive of Memory 
FineArt Forum: Resources Page 
FIVA: Festival of Independent Virtual Media Arts Online 
Carol Flax (UCSB), Other (M)Other Stories 
Floral Radiographs: The Secret Garden (Albert Richards, U. Michigan)
Francesco Boretti Artwork ("Abstract Expressionist painting ")
Genderplex: An Electronic Exhibition & Publication (Nancy Mahl)
Giorgio Butini (@Barabel) (In Italian)
Guerrilla Girls ("a group of women artists and art professionals who make posters about discrimination")
Hai-Tang Arts Web (Arts and Ceramic in Taiwan) (in Chinese)
Hanni Stolker, Artist (paintings and murals)
Sara Hartland, "Cut With A Kitchen Knife" ("I will consider the discursive potential of images and ask if images can work to rupture the construction and representation of women by which 'woman' is that which is 'not-man' ") (EVA: Electronic Visual Arts Journal)
Healing the Mind: An Exhibition of Arts and Crafts by Artists With Mental Illnesses (Verlangieri Virtual Gallery of Art)
Helene Black -| Artist |- ("installations, mixed media, paintings and full on line illustrated cv" of the Cypriot Australian artist)
Rocío Heredia Rocío Heredia, Metal Artist (traditional metalworks techniques of Chasing and Repoussé to raise intricate designs on tin, copper and brass)
Julian Hill, The fake Tate Gallery ("Home of post-surrealism and exhibition space for Julian Hill, post-surrealist artist")
Illustra Graffiti Wall Demo ("The Illustra Graffiti Wall is an example of using Illustra's no-overwrite storage system to do time travel over archived data in the database. This demo is an interactive example of archiving and searching over archived data in real time"
Inspired Arts Virtual Gallery (Karen Morgan)
Intaglio Web (requires Shockwave Flash plug-in) (KyeongIl Park)
interARTisrael ("first virtual art gallery in Israel and the Near East")
International Internet Chain Art Project ("collaborative computer art project conducted using the Internet as a vehicle to obtain and deposit the images and communicate with members") (U. Oregon)
Internet Arts Museum for FREE (Artists for Revolution through Technology) 
Jo-Ann Castano Studio (digitally-generated works "similar in form and idiom" to Castano's polarized kinetic light sculptures)
John Hein: Studio Furnituremaker (New Jersey-based "designer and builder of one-of-a-kind, craft-based, solid hardwood furniture for the art market, using traditional joinery and wooden pegs")
Judith Mann's Far Journeys ("Journey to Remote Lands/Experience Exotic Places Meet Fascinating People")
Kazantzakis Project (Mark Meadows, aka "Pighed")
Jeff Koons
Michael Jackson and Bubbles (Eli Broad Foundation)
lastplace.com: The "last place" to visit online - for Cyberart (Rodney Chang)
LebanonArt (Joseph Matar)
Le Musée Imaginaire: Legal Fakes of Masterpieces 
Leonardo Space Art Project ("aims to make visible the work of artists, writers, composers and others interested in the exploration of outer space")
L. Essie Art Gallery 
Sherrie Levine
Christine Kiessling, "Meditations on the Invisible: Sherrie Levine Between Homage and Appropriation" (1997) (Thresholds)
Glenn Ligon, Untitled: Four Etchings (Eli Broad Foundation)
Robert Longo, Tongue to the Heart (Eli Broad Foundation)
Fiona Macdonald, "A User's Guide to Abstraction at the End of the Millennium" (1996) (essay on abstract art) (Globe E-Journal)
Mail Art Gallery and Museum (online gallery of mail art; in Italian or English) (MAGRAM, Milan)
Man Woman Image Text: Paintings by Peter Illig ("six oil paintings that serve as narrative allegories about art and art history, men and women, media culture, and the American scene") (Peter Illig, Metropolitan State C., Denver)
Marina Obo (introduction to the work of contemporary French artist Marina Obo, in English and French) (Marina Obo)
mary flanagan web ("VRML online artwork, links to cyberculture and gender + technology syllabi, papers on feminist uses of virtual space, knowledge representation and computer games") (Mary Flanagan, State U. of New York, Buffalo)
Mask Links ("images of masks, makers of masks, masquerade troupes, and relevant resources from around the world") (Conrad Schuler & Frederic Schuler)
Matricism ("A derivative of Pointillism, Matricism is a technique by which the practitioner attempts to design a logical, sequential, or scientific process for the technical construction of a pictorial statement") (Christian H. Seidler)
Mattison FitzGerald and Rochelle Ford (real-time, interlinked exhibition in San Jose and New York City)
Max's Art Gallery (Max Edward Cordonnier)
Jean-Michel Basquiat, Untitled, "Skull" (Eli Broad Foundation)
Alyson Muenzer (Middle Tennessee State U.), "Grotesque in Art: Urinals, Dreams, Graffiti, and Personal Suffering As Art:: A Brief Overview of the Grotesque In Twentieth-Century Painting" 
Museu Virtual de Arte Brasileira (Virtual Museum of Brazilian Art) 
Mutant Materials in Contemporary Design ("Today, adherence to the "truth" of a material is no longer an absolute for design. New technologies are being used to customize, extend, and modify the physical properties of materials. . . ."; many photos of artifacts identifi
MUVA: Museo Virtual de Artes el Pais (virtual museum "building" designed by four architects to exhibit Uruguayan art; in Spanish and English)
Nam June Paik
"Satellite Art: An Interview with Nam June Paik" (Eduardo Kac)
"Wrap Around the World" (on Nam June Paik) (Eduardo Kac)
newNYart (Kenny Schachter)
Nick Jordan: Paintings 
NY Digital Salon 1995 (Third Annual) (juried competition of computer art)
Kellianne O'Brien (Paintings)
Abstract Impressionisms 
One Eyed, Long Haired, Indian Art (Anthony Miron)
SITO (formerly OTIS Project) (Ed Stastny)
Patricia McGurk: paintingsandphotos art gallery (American artist and photographer)
Philip Johnson Gallery 
Pigments ("galerie de peinture lente"; in French) (Frédérique Salvatore)
Pintores Mexicanos 
Pixel Pushers Gallery 
The Place (Joseph Squier)
Placing (a series of product "epiphanies" demonstrating the thesis that contemporary "placing" [product placements in movies, TV shows, and sporting events] "captures the essence of a new kind of selfhood for the '90s. No longer do
Poietic Generator ("enables a potentially large number of people across the world to participate in the emergence of an ever changing collective image") (Olivier Auber, et al.)
Political Paintings from North Viet Nam, 1970-1980 (Track 16 Gallry, Santa Monica, Calif./Art City)
Postmodernism and Art History (articles "on over three years of exhibitions at museums and galleries"; browseable "by artist, period in art history, or postmodern ideas"; I link artists and ideas, because I write about artists that get me thinking") (Joh
Public Art in Los Angeles ("documents public art works, sculptural works, mosaics, and murals") (Ruth Wallach, USC)
Quilt Page 
Raphael Collazo Museum (online museum displaying work of Raphael Collazo)
Rogers Virtual Gallery - "Beauty #2" (well-designed gallery making good use of image maps; features "young Toronto artists at Harbourfront's Power Plant") (Rogers Communications Inc.)
Ron English - Agit-Pop Artist
Homepage of Ron English, Agit-Pop Artist 
Revisionist Modernism 
A Room Without Walls: Cyber Gallery (Ted Warnell)
Salvatore Ventura 
Sandi Kohler: Artist 
Sandra Gering Gallery 
Christy Sheffield Sanford
Homepage of Christy Sheffield Sanford (mixed genre artist/creative writer using advanced Web techniques)
Madame de Lafayette Book of Hours Page (unique, image- and frame-intensive, hypertext meditation inspired by "the life, time or characters of Madame de Lafayette)
Red Mona (a mixed genre work using "flash-cards" with text, images, sound inspired by the Guy de Maupassant story, Petit Soldat)
"Safara in the Beginning," a Moving-Book ("a web-novel set in the seventeenth century")
Julian Schnabel, Self-Portrait in Andy's Shadow (Eli Broad Foundation)
Scope Art - Gallery 
Sculptors Society of Canada 
The Sculpture of Philip Organ: "Wave Patterns and Particles" ("online gallery, biographical information and a studio tour")
Seiko Mikami Artworks Archive 
Eriq Lukkenbaum Shaping (Introduction to the work of Eriq Lukkenbaum, includes cyberspace exhibition of his work) (in English and German)
Silvain (introduction to the work of Christian Silvain, includes image galleries) (in English, Dutch and French)
Sketch=Think (Matiu Carr, U. of Auckland)
Kiki Smith
Interview with Todd Slaughter 
Kiki Smith Reference Page (art in context)
Kiki Smith, New York (1995 Pace Wildenstein exhibit)
Untitled (Fluttering Eyes) (Sordoni Art Gallery)
Stange's Gallery (Ken Stange)
Stefane Rocknak: Figurative Wood Sculpture ("detailed figurative wood sculpture, influenced by the Medieval tradition; some religious pieces")
Survival Research Laboratories (mechanized and robotic performance art)
Synergy:Corpse Page (Harlan Wallach/OTIS)
That's Art (online art gallery)
Titlebaum Art Gallery ("What happens to someone who receives a Ph.D. in English literature from Harvard, teaches in 4 universities, and then abandons academia to devote himself full-time to the art of painting? Take a look. The Titlebaum Art Gallery features writings a
Stanley Tomshinsky, On The Way: Images to While the Day Anyway 
T.S.4: Telematic Sculpture 4 (machinic sculpture in the Austrian Pavilion at Biennale 95 that repositions itself on a track in response to the "data flow" of the Internet)
Tu Art Studio On-Line ("portraits, landscapes, and drawings by Chinese oil painter Zhiwei Tu, living in the U.S.")
U. S. Army Vietnam Combat Art (Jim Pollock, CMH U. S. Army Center for Military History War Art Collection)
Valeriy Grachov (introduction to the work of Valeriy Grachov, includes extensive digital gallery)
Varo Registry of Women Artists Online (Robin Masi & C.J. Holmes)
Victoria Vesna (U. California, Santa Barbara)
Bodies, INCorporated (sophisticated multimedia, interactive environment in which users construct virtual bodies and "incorporate" as part of an exploration of the interface between art and corporate zones)
Computers and the Intuitive Edge: An Introduction to Computer Technology for the Visual Thinker 
Considering the End (virtual art gallery for the U. California, Santa Barbara conference,
History of Art and Computing ("an exploration of parallel events in the evolution of arts and computers")
ICA: Intercampus Arts Web Server (UC-system intercampus arts linkway)
Vincent Art Gallery (gallery in the Netherlands that takes as its mission painting "reproductions of the Old Masters, like Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Renoir, Cézanne, Gauguin and many others")
The Fantastic Art of Michele Vincent 
The Virtual Colony: A Place in Cyberspace for Artists ("a showcase of composers, musicians, painters, photographers, artisans, writers & poets")
Watercolors of Carol Wickenhiser-Schaudt ("As a watercolorist who started out to be a biologist, Carol's paintings may remind you of looking through a microscope")
Wentworth Gallery 
Carolyn Wood, Spiritual Journey Downunder - Australian Contemporary Art (encounter with aboriginal culture)
World Art Party ("a democratic coalition of artists who accept the call for leadership and social responsibility through acts of peaceful art terrorism")
Valentin Yotkov, Designer/Silversmith ("reviving chasing and repoussé in art metals")
Modern and Contemporary Art by Artists and/or Movements
@149st New York City Graffiti ("history of New York City's subway graffiti movement"; includes "photographs of detailed murals, artist profiles and a glossary of terms") (Eric Felisbret and Spar One)
@art (electronic art gallery affiliated with the School of Art and Design, the U. Urbana-Champaign)
AAA Gallery (Dutch virtual gallery)
Academia de Arte Yepes (LA-area fine arts murals academy) (Andres Rosillo)
AICAP: American Indian Computer Art Project 
Alberto Milano (online paintng exhibit; in Italian and English)
Laurie Anderson
Homepage of the Bave: Laurie Anderson (Jimmy Davies)
Laurie Anderson Links (Womynlynks)
Laurie Anderson Page (Peter Hartman)
Andy Goldsworthy (Center for Global Envronmental Education)
Ars Astronautica ("dedicated to developing a cultural dimension to humanity's space endeavors by exploring, reporting and nurturing the arts in and about space") (Arthur Woods / Leonardo)
Art (Introduction to the work of Joan Desmond, includes online archive) (Joan Desmond)
Art Crimes (graffiti) *
Art Galleries on the Web: A Hypertextual Analysis (Margaret L. McLaughlin, USC) (essay analyzing on-line art galleries)
Art Gallery (metapage of art gallery and other art-related sites) (Luc Girardin, Institut Universitaire de Haute Etudes Internationales, Geneva)
ArtMap: The Multimedia Cultural Information Service *
The ArtMetal Project (metalwork art) (Enrique Vega)
Art Net 
ArtNet Italia (contemporary Italian painting, photography, sculpture)
The Art of Haiti (commercial gallery; site includes links and info on Haiti) (MediaArt)
The Art of Tibetan Sand Painting (sand painting event on the Web by Tibetan monks) (Houston Chronicle Interactive)
Arts and Crafts Movement in America 
The Arts & Crafts Society ("an online community dedicated to the philosophy and spirit of the Arts & Crafts Movement")
ArtScape (Ides Communications Group)
Art Scene China ("portfolios of modern and avant-garde artwork by more than 20 leading contemporary artists from China")
Art Watchers (in German and English) (Reiner Strasser)
AssemblyLanguage - Tokyo Avant-Garde Culture and Japanese Contemporary Art ("news, images, texts, and reviews concerning avant-garde culture and contemporary art from Tokyo, Japan")
AtelierAranita (introduction to the art of Aranita, includes online gallery of selected works)
Benbow Bullock, Sculptor (introduction to the work of contemporary sculptor Bullock, includes an extensive list of links to sculpture parks and gardens worldwide)
Ben Stahl: Virtual Museum Of The Cross (David Stahl)
Charles Bernstein (State U. of New York, Buffalo), "I Don't Take Voice Mail" 
Bibliotheque Bajazzo Amsterdam: Online Experimental Art (requires Netscape 2.0; very sophisticated use of frames and client-pull animation)
Bill Murphy: Contemporary Paintings 
the blue dot (Razorfish, Inc.)
Bodies, INCorporated (sophisticated multimedia, interactive environment in which users construct virtual bodies and "incorporate" as part of an exploration of the interface between art and corporate zones) (Victoria Vesna et al., U. California, Santa Barbara)
The Body Missing Project ("an inquiry begun in Toronto and Linz, 1994, into the Kunstraub [art theft] policies of the Third Reich, the proposed Führermuseum, and the fate of artworks missing after World War II") (Vera Frenkel)
Boogles's Collection of Random Art (Brian K. Zuzga)
Betty Brown, "A Repast of Feminism Reviewed at Sexual Politics Show" (review of the UCLA show featuring Judy Chicago's The Dinner Party; includes images) (ArtScene)
Buddery (Brendan deVallance & Nancy Martell)
BURN!: Toge Sankichi (Hiroshima Artworks by Iri and Toshi Maruki) 
CAGE: Cyber Art Gallery Eindhoven (contemporary Dutch art) (Rolf van Gelder)
Carol Sutton (requires graphical browser)
ChasSK Site (Chaslav S. Krstich) 
The Art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude Site (Jok Church, Adam Ciesielski, and Von Wall)
Christo & Jeanne-Claude Home Page (gateway to pages covering Christo's projects)
Christo & Jeane-Claude [Show]
Chrysalises: Writing of a Butterfly (allegorical hypertext essay on the "ecology of communications") (Oliver Hockenhull)
Commuter's THEater (School of Architecture, U Texas Austin)
Considering the End
Homepage (very sophisticated virtual art gallery for the U. California, Santa Barbara conference,
Exit and Entrances (Western and Shamanic Constructions of Death) (Jim Tipton)
Find-A-Grave (A Listing of the Final Resting Places of Noteworthy People) (Jim Tipton)
Internet Crime Archives: Digital Home of the Mass-Murdering Serial Killer 
No Memory (Lisa Bloomfield)
Terminal Links (death-related sites on the net)
Transitive Space (Mark Benthin & Yan Breuleux)
Contemporary Art Site (Tractor, Inc.)
DADA Productions Inc. 
Dale Chihuly Web Site (overview of the artist's glass work with "approximately 2500 pages mostly of photograghs and some videos") (Chihuly.com)
The Dark Pool (Web view of installation project; requires a graphical browser to such an extent that even the text of the page's HTML title is invisible [two spaces]) (Janet Cardiff, George Bures Miller)
Constance DeJong, Tony Oursler, Stephen Vitiello, Fantastic Prayers (multimedia text, image, music web installation) (Dia Center for the Arts, NY City)
Belinda de Leo (U California, San Diego), Ancestry: Religion, Death and Culture (personal image exploration of Appalachian culture)
Dia Center for the Arts, NY City (excellent page with images and bibliographies of contemporary artists; also resources relevant to poets, dancers, and others affiliated with the Dia Center)
Diversive Paths (collaborative project exploring "the concept of nonlinear image development and manipulation of existing images") (Bonnie Mitchell or Neil Herzinger)
Doctor Hugo: Museums of the Mind ("virtual museum project about the future of the sense; resources on paintings, net.art, synaesthesia and fuzzy dreamz; research, theory and experiments on telematics of the mind") (Doctor Hugo)
Johanna Drucker (Columbia U.)
Matthew G. Kirschenbaum (U. Virginia), Lines for a Virtual Ty/opography (in-progress hypertext and VRML dissertation being written "real-time" on the net; concerns the work of textuality theorist/artist Johanna Drucker)
"Offset Printing as a Creative Medium" 
Eduardo Kac: A Retrospective Exhibition ("documentation of performances, mixed media work, holopoetry, telecommunications events, computer imaging, interactive installations, telepresence art, essays and articles, as well as actual digital pieces available for downloading")
The Electric Gallery
The Amazon Project 
Haitian Art Wing 
The Jazz and Blues Wing (music-related pictures)
Electric Olive Gallery (Ken Fair)
Electronic Visualization Lab 
Dinae Fenster, Ritual of Abandonment: An Ephemeral Archive of Memory 
FineArt Forum: Resources Page 
FIVA: Festival of Independent Virtual Media Arts Online 
Carol Flax (UCSB), Other (M)Other Stories 
Floral Radiographs: The Secret Garden (Albert Richards, U. Michigan)
Francesco Boretti Artwork ("Abstract Expressionist painting ")
Genderplex: An Electronic Exhibition & Publication (Nancy Mahl)
Giorgio Butini (@Barabel) (In Italian)
Guerrilla Girls ("a group of women artists and art professionals who make posters about discrimination")
Hai-Tang Arts Web (Arts and Ceramic in Taiwan) (in Chinese)
Hanni Stolker, Artist (paintings and murals)
Sara Hartland, "Cut With A Kitchen Knife" ("I will consider the discursive potential of images and ask if images can work to rupture the construction and representation of women by which 'woman' is that which is 'not-man' ") (EVA: Electronic Visual Arts Journal)
Healing the Mind: An Exhibition of Arts and Crafts by Artists With Mental Illnesses (Verlangieri Virtual Gallery of Art)
Helene Black -| Artist |- ("installations, mixed media, paintings and full on line illustrated cv" of the Cypriot Australian artist)
Rocío Heredia Rocío Heredia, Metal Artist (traditional metalworks techniques of Chasing and Repoussé to raise intricate designs on tin, copper and brass)
Julian Hill, The fake Tate Gallery ("Home of post-surrealism and exhibition space for Julian Hill, post-surrealist artist")
Illustra Graffiti Wall Demo ("The Illustra Graffiti Wall is an example of using Illustra's no-overwrite storage system to do time travel over archived data in the database. This demo is an interactive example of archiving and searching over archived data in real time"
Inspired Arts Virtual Gallery (Karen Morgan)
Intaglio Web (requires Shockwave Flash plug-in) (KyeongIl Park)
interARTisrael ("first virtual art gallery in Israel and the Near East")
International Internet Chain Art Project ("collaborative computer art project conducted using the Internet as a vehicle to obtain and deposit the images and communicate with members") (U. Oregon)
Internet Arts Museum for FREE (Artists for Revolution through Technology) 
Jo-Ann Castano Studio (digitally-generated works "similar in form and idiom" to Castano's polarized kinetic light sculptures)
John Hein: Studio Furnituremaker (New Jersey-based "designer and builder of one-of-a-kind, craft-based, solid hardwood furniture for the art market, using traditional joinery and wooden pegs")
Judith Mann's Far Journeys ("Journey to Remote Lands/Experience Exotic Places Meet Fascinating People")
Kazantzakis Project (Mark Meadows, aka "Pighed")
Jeff Koons
Michael Jackson and Bubbles (Eli Broad Foundation)
lastplace.com: The "last place" to visit online - for Cyberart (Rodney Chang)
LebanonArt (Joseph Matar)
Le Musée Imaginaire: Legal Fakes of Masterpieces 
Leonardo Space Art Project ("aims to make visible the work of artists, writers, composers and others interested in the exploration of outer space")
L. Essie Art Gallery 
Sherrie Levine
Christine Kiessling, "Meditations on the Invisible: Sherrie Levine Between Homage and Appropriation" (1997) (Thresholds)
Glenn Ligon, Untitled: Four Etchings (Eli Broad Foundation)
Robert Longo, Tongue to the Heart (Eli Broad Foundation)
Fiona Macdonald, "A User's Guide to Abstraction at the End of the Millennium" (1996) (essay on abstract art) (Globe E-Journal)
Mail Art Gallery and Museum (online gallery of mail art; in Italian or English) (MAGRAM, Milan)
Man Woman Image Text: Paintings by Peter Illig ("six oil paintings that serve as narrative allegories about art and art history, men and women, media culture, and the American scene") (Peter Illig, Metropolitan State C., Denver)
Marina Obo (introduction to the work of contemporary French artist Marina Obo, in English and French) (Marina Obo)
mary flanagan web ("VRML online artwork, links to cyberculture and gender + technology syllabi, papers on feminist uses of virtual space, knowledge representation and computer games") (Mary Flanagan, State U. of New York, Buffalo)
Mask Links ("images of masks, makers of masks, masquerade troupes, and relevant resources from around the world") (Conrad Schuler & Frederic Schuler)
Matricism ("A derivative of Pointillism, Matricism is a technique by which the practitioner attempts to design a logical, sequential, or scientific process for the technical construction of a pictorial statement") (Christian H. Seidler)
Mattison FitzGerald and Rochelle Ford (real-time, interlinked exhibition in San Jose and New York City)
Max's Art Gallery (Max Edward Cordonnier)
Jean-Michel Basquiat, Untitled, "Skull" (Eli Broad Foundation)
Alyson Muenzer (Middle Tennessee State U.), "Grotesque in Art: Urinals, Dreams, Graffiti, and Personal Suffering As Art:: A Brief Overview of the Grotesque In Twentieth-Century Painting" 
Museu Virtual de Arte Brasileira (Virtual Museum of Brazilian Art) 
Mutant Materials in Contemporary Design ("Today, adherence to the "truth" of a material is no longer an absolute for design. New technologies are being used to customize, extend, and modify the physical properties of materials. . . ."; many photos of artifacts identifi
MUVA: Museo Virtual de Artes el Pais (virtual museum "building" designed by four architects to exhibit Uruguayan art; in Spanish and English)
Nam June Paik
"Satellite Art: An Interview with Nam June Paik" (Eduardo Kac)
"Wrap Around the World" (on Nam June Paik) (Eduardo Kac)
newNYart (Kenny Schachter)
Nick Jordan: Paintings 
NY Digital Salon 1995 (Third Annual) (juried competition of computer art)
Kellianne O'Brien (Paintings)
Abstract Impressionisms 
One Eyed, Long Haired, Indian Art (Anthony Miron)
SITO (formerly OTIS Project) (Ed Stastny)
Patricia McGurk: paintingsandphotos art gallery (American artist and photographer)
Philip Johnson Gallery 
Pigments ("galerie de peinture lente"; in French) (Frédérique Salvatore)
Pintores Mexicanos 
Pixel Pushers Gallery 
The Place (Joseph Squier)
Placing (a series of product "epiphanies" demonstrating the thesis that contemporary "placing" [product placements in movies, TV shows, and sporting events] "captures the essence of a new kind of selfhood for the '90s. No longer do
Poietic Generator ("enables a potentially large number of people across the world to participate in the emergence of an ever changing collective image") (Olivier Auber, et al.)
Political Paintings from North Viet Nam, 1970-1980 (Track 16 Gallry, Santa Monica, Calif./Art City)
Postmodernism and Art History (articles "on over three years of exhibitions at museums and galleries"; browseable "by artist, period in art history, or postmodern ideas"; I link artists and ideas, because I write about artists that get me thinking") (Joh
Public Art in Los Angeles ("documents public art works, sculptural works, mosaics, and murals") (Ruth Wallach, USC)
Quilt Page 
Raphael Collazo Museum (online museum displaying work of Raphael Collazo)
Rogers Virtual Gallery - "Beauty #2" (well-designed gallery making good use of image maps; features "young Toronto artists at Harbourfront's Power Plant") (Rogers Communications Inc.)
Ron English - Agit-Pop Artist
Homepage of Ron English, Agit-Pop Artist 
Revisionist Modernism 
A Room Without Walls: Cyber Gallery (Ted Warnell)
Salvatore Ventura 
Sandi Kohler: Artist 
Sandra Gering Gallery 
Christy Sheffield Sanford
Homepage of Christy Sheffield Sanford (mixed genre artist/creative writer using advanced Web techniques)
Madame de Lafayette Book of Hours Page (unique, image- and frame-intensive, hypertext meditation inspired by "the life, time or characters of Madame de Lafayette)
Red Mona (a mixed genre work using "flash-cards" with text, images, sound inspired by the Guy de Maupassant story, Petit Soldat)
"Safara in the Beginning," a Moving-Book ("a web-novel set in the seventeenth century")
Julian Schnabel, Self-Portrait in Andy's Shadow (Eli Broad Foundation)
Scope Art - Gallery 
Sculptors Society of Canada 
The Sculpture of Philip Organ: "Wave Patterns and Particles" ("online gallery, biographical information and a studio tour")
Seiko Mikami Artworks Archive 
Eriq Lukkenbaum Shaping (Introduction to the work of Eriq Lukkenbaum, includes cyberspace exhibition of his work) (in English and German)
Silvain (introduction to the work of Christian Silvain, includes image galleries) (in English, Dutch and French)
Sketch=Think (Matiu Carr, U. of Auckland)
Kiki Smith
Interview with Todd Slaughter 
Kiki Smith Reference Page (art in context)
Kiki Smith, New York (1995 Pace Wildenstein exhibit)
Untitled (Fluttering Eyes) (Sordoni Art Gallery)
Stange's Gallery (Ken Stange)
Stefane Rocknak: Figurative Wood Sculpture ("detailed figurative wood sculpture, influenced by the Medieval tradition; some religious pieces")
Survival Research Laboratories (mechanized and robotic performance art)
Synergy:Corpse Page (Harlan Wallach/OTIS)
That's Art (online art gallery)
Titlebaum Art Gallery ("What happens to someone who receives a Ph.D. in English literature from Harvard, teaches in 4 universities, and then abandons academia to devote himself full-time to the art of painting? Take a look. The Titlebaum Art Gallery features writings a
Stanley Tomshinsky, On The Way: Images to While the Day Anyway 
T.S.4: Telematic Sculpture 4 (machinic sculpture in the Austrian Pavilion at Biennale 95 that repositions itself on a track in response to the "data flow" of the Internet)
Tu Art Studio On-Line ("portraits, landscapes, and drawings by Chinese oil painter Zhiwei Tu, living in the U.S.")
U. S. Army Vietnam Combat Art (Jim Pollock, CMH U. S. Army Center for Military History War Art Collection)
Valeriy Grachov (introduction to the work of Valeriy Grachov, includes extensive digital gallery)
Varo Registry of Women Artists Online (Robin Masi & C.J. Holmes)
Victoria Vesna (U. California, Santa Barbara)
Bodies, INCorporated (sophisticated multimedia, interactive environment in which users construct virtual bodies and "incorporate" as part of an exploration of the interface between art and corporate zones)
Computers and the Intuitive Edge: An Introduction to Computer Technology for the Visual Thinker 
Considering the End (virtual art gallery for the U. California, Santa Barbara conference,
History of Art and Computing ("an exploration of parallel events in the evolution of arts and computers")
ICA: Intercampus Arts Web Server (UC-system intercampus arts linkway)
Vincent Art Gallery (gallery in the Netherlands that takes as its mission painting "reproductions of the Old Masters, like Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Renoir, Cézanne, Gauguin and many others")
The Fantastic Art of Michele Vincent 
The Virtual Colony: A Place in Cyberspace for Artists ("a showcase of composers, musicians, painters, photographers, artisans, writers & poets")
Watercolors of Carol Wickenhiser-Schaudt ("As a watercolorist who started out to be a biologist, Carol's paintings may remind you of looking through a microscope")
Wentworth Gallery 
Carolyn Wood, Spiritual Journey Downunder - Australian Contemporary Art (encounter with aboriginal culture)
World Art Party ("a democratic coalition of artists who accept the call for leadership and social responsibility through acts of peaceful art terrorism")
Valentin Yotkov, Designer/Silversmith ("reviving chasing and repoussé in art metals")

VoS is woven by Alan Liu and a development team
in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
Contact: ayliu@english.ucsb.edu — To suggest links for inclusion in VoS, please use the "Suggest a Link" button on the relevant category page. To offer feedback on the site, please use the feedback form.
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