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Net Art
Lisa Jevbratt   Suggest a Link
Homepage of Lisa Jevbratt 
1:1 ("The 1:1 project includes the creation, maintenance, and visualization of the C5 IP database, containing the IP addresses to all hosts on the World Wide Web. The project uses the database to create five interfaces for navigating the web, and to generate a new topography of the web. The interfaces/visualizations explore the formal qualities of the web in relation to the larger network of which it is part: the Internet")
Mapping the Web Infome ("the Infome software enables the creation of web crawlers - automatic processes that access web sites and collect data from them - and the creation of visualizations/mappings of the collected data")
Non-Site Gallery ("The Non-Site gallery utilizes the void constituted by non-existing information, non-functioning scripts and bad requests. It claims unintentional space for projects that take advantage of its special conditions")
Syncro Mail - Unconscious Collective ("mapping of all mails sent with Syncro Mail; exhibited at Korea Web Art Show December 2001")
Alex Galloway, "Perl is My Medium: An Interview with Lisa Jevbratt" (2001) (Rhizome.org)

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in the U.California, Santa Barbara, English Department.
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